Date Archives June 2018

One Kiss

Soft, smooth and delicate,
hands flowing around her jaws,
those painful bites of pleasure,
intense reminders of love.

Their face swerved in unison,
her vice-like grip,
his spidery fingers,
clasping and crawling,
their warm raw flesh.

the pinkish sensory,
have lost their control
within the space,
within the soulful smooches,
Of Desire.

An Exquisite Piece

She used to stand in glory. Hands stretched out, she breezed herself into a dance at any time of the day. The scorching sun, the rains accompanied by lightning nor did the wintry spell bother her. She never faltered to give food to others that were painfully collected over the months. She loved watching the children grow up, the tiny animals scurrying around and hung her head in despair when people left her.

No one noticed her or cared for her until she was reduced to a stump. Unlike her living friends, she didn’t flinch, scream or resist while enduring the pain. After all, she loved them unconditionally and hoped that they would remember her.

She doesn’t breathe, dance or feel anything anymore, yet she had become an exquisite piece within four walls, much to the admiration of the people she loved. She still shows her love after her death.

That’s unconditional love from mother nature.


Raining Love

Essential, scarce and mysterious.
Dripping down your freckled cheeks,
They roll down like pearls,
Cut off from a string.
The sky kept worshipping you,
While I kissed your wet lips.
The world around me blanketed,
In darkness.
We stood in the Rain,
After all,
We were raining in passion.